Wild about lawns

Lawn with buttercups and daisies growing and flower pots in the background by Wendy Carter

Lawn with flowers growing by Wendy Carter

Wildlife gardening

Wild about lawns

The buzz of a bee, the sweet scent of honeysuckle, the feel of (real) grass poking through your toes, the chattering of house sparrows in a hedge. These precious moments are a delight to experience in our gardens and are vital if we’re going to protect, restore and reconnect UK wildlife.

Think about your lawn. It might be where you sit and relax on a summer's day or perhaps it's where the kids play ball. It might be a patch of grass that needs you to mow it or it might already be a haven for wildlife. Our lawns are much more than just a patch of grass - with a bit of care and attention (or perhaps even inattention), your lawn can provide a sanctuary for our wild neighbours. If you can, take time to get to know the plants and animals in your lawn; you might be surprised at what you find.

There are lots of ways we can use our lawns to support wildlife and some of them take no effort at all...

Download your free wild about lawns booklet to discover lots more about why lawns can be great for wildlife and how you can take of yours to benefit both wildlife and you.

Just look what wildlife you could support if you take your foot off the lawn management pedal...

If you're already leaving a wild area to grow in your lawn and would like to let your neighbours know more about why you're doing it, why not download our no mow poster and display it by your wild patch.

Still not convinced? Iain tells us more about how he's been changing the way he manages his lawn...